getting to run discworld noir running on anything other then win 9x is not impossible
but it is a bit ...involved
because the game isnt supported by scumm vm just yet like 1 and 2 are
you can find scumm vm here
and discworld 1 and 2's install instructions here ie just copy these files
you can find the original article here >>
or just read it down below
>>Step-by-step Instructions
Step 1: Install the Full installation of the game to a folder on the C: drive.
FreebirthOne says to copy the contents of Folder CD3 to CD1, but I found there were no files in there on my version, so I ignored this
Download the fix file and the no cd, if you want that, from this site:
Replace the original TIN_DXD.EXE file with the fixed exe from the download, and bring the no cd patch across to the noir folder and run it.
Right click the new TIN_DXD.EXE, select "Properties" and go to the "Compatibility" tab, the check "Run this program as administrator".
Step 2: Download winexp from and extract it somewhere
This helps to play in a fake fullscreen as most of the crashes happen due to the game being in fullscreen mode.
Step 3: I haven't done this as the cursor doesn't bother me that much, but it is a good idea as the mouse cursor will move at a different speed to the game cursor due to the resolution size not being exact.
download the "tinycursors" cursor from and extract the "nothing.cur" somewhere
open the "mouse"applet in the ctrol panel and navigate to the pointers tab
here click on "Browse" on the lower right, navigate to the folder you extracted the nothing.cur to, and double-click on it
now click on "save as" in the upper left and give it a good name, like "hidden" or so
…from now on you always can choose this theme if you want a invisible cursor.
Step 1: Now we have to set up the monitor. This may seem a little strange, but follow it through.
This may be better if you have two monitors then you can set one up for this, else I'd recommend taking all unnecessary items off your desktop as we'll be changing the resolution and if you have a lot of desktop items they'll all get smushed together.
Right click on the desktop and choose "Screen Resolution". Change whichever monitor you'll be playing on to the lowest screen resolution (closest to discworld noir's preference). Mine is 800 x 600.
If you have more than one monitor, make this your main monitor – this is so that the game will boot up on this screen.
Then click on "Advanced Settings" and the "Monitor" tab. In the bottom left you'll see the "Colors" tab, change this to 16bit.
Note, you'll have to change the bit rate every time you change the resolution of the monitor as it will default back to 32bit.
Changing the resolution to 16bit will make the game boot up with its standard colours. If it appear in a washed out purple it means its still opening in 32bit. If that's the case makes sure 'all' your monitors are set to 16bit.
Step 2: Start Discworld Noir and press Alt + Enter to enter windowed mode, this'll stop it crashing after the intro cutscene.
IMPORTANT, the only button that works on the title screen in "New Game". press either of the other two and it will crash. When it comes to loading games later on press F1 and load from there.
Start winexp from the folder you extracted it above
Select the "Discworld Noir" entry from the list
In the "Style"-Tab deselect "WS_BORDER" and "WS_DLGFRAME"
Then do the method suggested below or in the "Size and Position" Tab click "set to Topmost" to bring the screen infront of the start bar and check "Maximized" in "Window State".
In the "Size and Position" Tab, set "Left" and "Top" to zero as well as the width and height to your current screen resolution
Now you should have a window with the game running in it, fullscreen and without borders, just like a real "fullscreen".
Step 4 (Optional):
open the "Mouse" applet like above, choose the "Hidden" theme and apply it
Now you got rid of the really anoying Desktop mouse, and can enjoy the ingame one
This is important!
An issue I had after this was that the game wouldn't load any save files, it might not be the case for everyone but is good to check!
After you get past the intro press F1 and save the game, then try and load it. If it works with no issue great! Save frequently as i had it crash once after the Milka, i think its the transition between cinematic and gameplay that does it.
If it does crash and give you an odd error message this is what i did, i'm not exactly sure how it helped, but it runs now.
Step 1: Download this patch by the "Collector"
Move it to the Discworld Noir folder and run it. If it gives you an option between fullscreen and windowed choose windowed.
Try and run the game and at the menu press F1 to load a game.
If it crashes try step 2
Step 2 (Really flailing around now!): insert disc 3 and copy the contents into the disc 1 folder on C:
Try and run the game and at the menu press F1 to load a game.
If it crashes try step 3
Step 3:
Start a new game skip through the intro with Esc and save in the office.
Go to the map and save a different file here
Go to the milka and save over the first
Try loading the second save.
If this crashes double double check that all your monitors are set to 16bit and try step 3 again saving and resaving until the load works.
Hopefully you shouldn't get this issue, but if you do this is how mine started working.<<