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rJ8 IfklNGTON urnAtD LfADf I tXiNClTON KY SUNDAY AuCUST II if toaitCmT iilwtaCiM lULrtasHCont I Mrlel Sjk a Cant li id htpwgntd Cam CENTER DIRECTOR At! hi wvk Ft tot hume imw and tom jHHHwm man' by atniialad with Ha United Mainodisl (totlt Manana at-mailt of lull rain of thavto tty vm-round i mm caa naia and mnim work staff and vut 1 UtltoUi atlM huh dtanaid amf an' lion mar nh iy agamies in and ml xf pn ira AtfM1 With IIMWlMlC Mmiwf nwNuia iwvuniwt nwNuia ittnl anitr u( llu vkKtae and yanarl-I sfionyly to rad' puud tOOM nkqiion skiMt mi baum at tit 000 i benefit land la and resume to five Oka tor Anoxia- chut vw vita Fnxaii TlT Watl Watauu pm anon lanummi A position baoint i lent rmCJRWBLRVIAlBt tup Imw- sniwy MflfWfln iHtaai hv OPTICAL RETAIL MANAGER LtnsCiBllHtt Ii srckuiq ratPdt-otienird Indiuidudl who wih shart eur commllmenl to gnfhusidslicaUy sat-Mind custamers and a suivorlive working nvirofintanl to aU associates you art a Ltcanind Oglician with strong management and rataihng skills tag art Inter-estad Ml speaking witn you In addition a ptooressive work gnvlronment we otter a competitive salary and ban-till package Please sand vour oualiH-cations and salary requirements la LENSCRAFTERS leslagtae lieae lift NktoietirtHe lead UstogtakikTseiOl (OEM umi MItalU" 1 1 hifna-r a i-f WkCM-PM kawme lul a news wwiw else ten A I taORklNOF direct ION iwtaeaHkan (tw Bmwn l- taiait Wim iltiH lnr Miniiallv IfeikikmHwU Ailulis uitakAt cai till alkai lauM taaemu anatuatk fa SuttS kMUaif aaMvki uel wlHi sauad kiuiai-eilua ef wurkshaP Fatsutuiei 4avl iMIllfJirU' BiwTlt raws I iV mac piw O' eemrelam I acelleatl VMiiatu mvesHuetiy uitaiHmk alkai HIs-laaiw tiaval A taSum-Miaiiae duties tond iasunw A i over mm Auu lent ta Wjt II Wrilkiftsdn ht rpnktot KV HOtol ASSISTANT MANAGE! Thine Ramemhared thy toeaU nai telly retail pi any evert aniHi paraauriiad etlf wrth aver pg has nehen-whip I kaag tar ilts-grwnfad resu If knifed In viilual Hyouhayp' a Natali pat tokp a pieven Saws Record a SHuue Laeuwstuu I skills I we are Into as tot ta talk Ine ta ynu about feeroar wrth lung Remembered OPCrtV hr AtaM KylttV I fayettaMaH I AAA BLUE GRASS KENTUCKY to need twa eutsiand-XI SaWS iwixrtx tm Utlf Manilla sliw Salas Ik kwlliwnt Wa will train ynu A rtavakx ynur sales sku) AAA btto lHNWiilaaf sale klyA nxxlHlIy bil-IIH'ktyee avid Han al ill'll 1 1 la-Iwean HJiMlam to si ixHkto an mh view AMRlTIOUl saH slat to weilad hi Ihkixxislixl (IwUHiM Alum id I Iw Wixld Ivuly malt lum-dita Wixk own Ikkji ie kit NO I'trtkH IMKI no iwiivpi Also ixxik-kxi pal IWX 2M-3M ArfA DrMONtiRA-TORS naadnill tjm ynu Eike Izvta'htT I rail) limn DaiorMuryl sad Ml I hour Ixisl- SlliO party! I tea of SkiO samito kit ixAMxi Prtrilasl LaH I- Krartil IWruH to tin utwnlnu In aH cixHitms to II-sansad Iwaltli A Me aiianfs Gieat leads System plus fytifa-maid Lonking hi rear niimtai who want managemant m-M bid tuR WATErbedC MOl Hmmicy Nil is kxiklixi to a Salas Pro-tesstanal Afxrty ta parson Mun-Wad II-J No phone ceHs plaase CAREER CHANGE" Tlrad el deadend lobs In coniPMiM ttial ckm I raruoiMra vojir lalents ot you itlr who ere eneraai tihr Htous end desire a ir future To quaU-" i mute In- SU'W tar a ml view pr uaik Mon a lutfk am pm FRIENDLY HOMR Parties lias hi damunslratuf Na (ash Invasiiiiaiif No smvks ituyua nwh- Rt lomnussiuii and nslast a want llvae talaives over ivo S0Q4M4SM GREAT MONEY FOR HARO WORK National Marfcallno Crouo need rues lextnolun now Com-nussion sale pnsilluns With fxgli weakly ad-vane a monHiiy law as stalk program refaaiilairt banaflls I hwBV WBTY-IUtV lioud 100640 SWAMPED! I Business I baonunuH I I need II enHxisiastK paerte to help nxt im 8 res of my irttles ruH-xi If you want a clsanr ta make abav peerage Income and have some fun wtiH dotadHT CALL TERRI 223-4172 emoy working i people Past Salas ax parlance Helpful AppHcallons now being accepted of 2SH Richmond Hd Licensed Insurance are expendkie our market wlm new extra ordinary prearem Kultlpft Skt Fund ta-vastmenloptlons Up to f20 1st yr commissions Wkly advances Annual convention Advmwed software I A TueGree Mason in is niuh commii mis witn advance be- 1 uualrty to Ixnxp l-f2-2UII lTfI A HEALTH AGENTS Are you unhaixiv? Then jaJIJJ-ldSd ask tar MANAGER TRAINEE tioowk epportunllv Need I fxxxrte ta learn MANAGER YRAINkf needed ta Start kraiia-diatoW NO tpenmne nmennmv- Nmol wilti tnoroitvr on- pandlna manauamail in atlas miun 21-SN! MEDICAL SALES (ANGIOPLASTY) large southeastern dlt-trnutar has opankxt for a experienced at salat rap or parsanind to mat of faro-' ts fh hill Fi PtMM con6- Bkfa J03ff No phono COIN ptMM MOBILE HOMES Need nurture aaares-tivp se toner son Good fretnc a Goad Products Ftoenctad 1 vixi can close vour lai security Isas- HpustaeMart i CENTRE' taaklna a ftakj lKxkY coarh nr tail ml son Tha taaon amhar A ui tear an SfTtoiiut-TaM men ewtwt uN Mvttf In ChinvUMi end tSSJT PcN ai Konlurkv and jrn Indiana kin Upend tar Hilt llniv potHion may elude Haval support 1 appropriate land I- W-qulr la and ratuma IK my Pair mtoVtDaai xssr ky CLUSTER COORDINATOR aadad by Contact Ine Mint have a bat ha tot draraa In human tar vk at told A I vr aoamenl oxperlenta Pravlout aeernmc tarn menially nondt- amoad preterrod Val-dnvor Scant alto vehicle with tour teal ban A Frankfort aUOl DISTRICT MANAGER PSSMIMH iw win art KHUvkkrtH In iiwhilhe eial matkylMHi ta sutw visa lata irt kail-lutka SaM tasume kl MakrlvMi lull frnulal Mid Cki kuwll lift 4SZ40 at phwwSU SII-UJS ELECTRONIC RETAIL SALES We ore taokme tar fud- Ee Salas Cuunsefcas irastao In selling ttaPaisanel Iwc-bank at our north and South lu alma Salary enmnusskm Stony rnmiwny iwi wills m- thatmi paid vatalkm her Tyr Paid hain-xi advent anwirt up pmtuiiilies and many iECASMWSr Sft Inberf North IS16Cotetbgry Or Across horn North Pork AN0 Steinberg's South 2320 Nkhotoivllle Ed nest to LADIES DESIGNER Retail Stop seeks part lima aniplgvae 1S- -LDoAsAV mm 1-ssa-tM onlvjssw) This IS Hi ONLY number you wlH need to earn up ta Sllfixx) in your own network marketing company CUUMMIII ktrnl enliy lavai pusl tkms Willi i iu ear mci-tantiel I aeils ivovld-Prt ixf haval Sake lad pusition with paid benefit irtlaya IH aa piato lad iNd piuv anitxisiasni and ufiHiatliiv iMhae a nxisl I ui Srtu mat toil ana aiMrtk nlUwi i all lnuaizl lul true M-Mil ash to Allan CDMMliilOlTlAlRC pohilkMi pvaHiBiila II you me HitMivi JL hofdwnffrUHJ 4 emhI fo Mm loauO itwro a Md No ixavl- pus sale expefhmid tanuliad DON'T WAIT FOR THE MAIL TRY TALKING CLASSIFIEDS I hal rkiliH baf a quicker resixmsa ta ynur tlassiiiad ad ir as smxrta as uskiq an an-kx mnehma lor more 233-7878 FASHION EYE WEAR OF I VL bn Industry tosrter Is seek lag a tar- ritnmeiMaar to cell on Dqctars In Easton KY 3 yrs outskto sales er bxfcjstry teles pratorad We otto a guar sniped commission car allowance benirtlts Send do vr old Jewelry manufaclurtafi firm Must be aisle manege (214) M7-2VIS 1 for an atiabiithad i Lexington Institution ipoclaTirlne In provld-Ino career train no i programs In allied heaim bytlnett and i technical areat lt kind a Collage for Tha director GWta is seeking Career-Minded Associates for Estee Lauder Uke owning your own businesi Aggressive personalities who can hande lesporeibflitv wH do best In this opportunity Salary plus commission could ensue the light person an excellent Income along with the following benefits: Libarcri discount policy MedicdWantajUta Preflt sharing miri Company paid ponsion plan oodhoSdaY Apply at the personnel office at TUrfland Mai anytime during our store hours EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MF SALES A COMPANY TO GROW WITH! I Our to our continued growth wa again tn looking tor quel it led Individuals to train as Route salespsople At a Rout Selesperson you'll tw responti-I We for tho Ml and distribution of our quality frozen product to both new and Misting customers We can offer you high commission potential profit sharing Insurance and advancement potential You must bo at least 21 yrs old and have a good drivingemployment record Interasted in a new opportunity? Call 1-800-336-7569 I for more information pervitee the dally aca- demlc and adminMtratlve aflalrt J' of the college Tito ta-v dividual It responsible for the enrollment growth community development ana c- atomic performance 1 ofm coiwoo Trto ini' dividual mutt be a ted etartar organized and with a sincere detire to halp people achieve Ihrtr obuciivMt mediate oaenmo For Information and appii-itkin mater lalt cad rank Longakar Hrmnaf Service Merchandise the nation1! largest catalog showroom retailer is interviewing for the following management position in the Lexington market: CAMERASELECTRONICS Requirements: 2-3 years of retail electronics salesmanagement experience We offer A Competitive salary incentive bonus A Comprehensive benefits package Immediate employee discounts Career development opportunities Apply in person at our Lexington store: SERVICE MERCHANDISE 1555 NEW CIRCLE RD WOODHILL PLAZA 606-269-8822 Equal Opportunity Employer MF IkfCUTIVM UllttCv ION Iklkllwn Jpmlmlm Syl'Pulpjki County our 11 imnmiskkin twlk anh tauhl ntM-nil an uiwkN iwwm pi aw haval industiy a ratal ta Itw tnmmunilv havp a stimig hmsprouiid I pUHnunn atliai ad CpUHnunn vaHituid attaftoN a- Kn A M4to ralaikai lay iMHwtit ae enimynauf ata with Im anon A prol ial auftattaiK ta- landiilaivt WN taiaalad 1 iiinufil sand talar Hhhi Auuurl atulivy inratlar at kV ikll IVK4 im i Ipa i RKiW'S (Hh anon cak isnai or nviita baitaim Co hoard pf lihna-nun Jamas Pavn hull Mojn If Wawjk V4luvS INNOVATIVI PROT Cm AM tar xiola par-aid tamUws Saaks au-4kanit tar DmHwm id rNNAVAfivH PAST CRAM tar ana petard family seeks eppli-not Chili family to posit km el uarly (hlldhopd raachar Aociata to he f-aclliliyt Child Hare Canter Uuellfke-lons inthjmini- kMgcUne ly Ctuid- eppUcattoi latter ra- rawMfcs Mrtzaras 10 Eikiui VSSUXSMm- Ky RantwckyAlvar Com-jnllv Cere Inc has imedieie VT Behavior bitarven-honisl Wi MR DO program Must have Mas-tar's Oagiaa human sarvlca toM psychology pretairad and experience In toallng with behavior Resplta Coordlnalor Position consists of recrulline and supervising Respite Provitors ta I counties Bachelor's Degree ta human sar-' alien or re- educei aiid Child programs Prefer Masters and experience require 4 In-Home Trainer in AISMR program Position consists of providing services inside the names of clients within the program Must have a BA' BE degree ta Human Ser or reiated field tlonLisure ta AISMR vices or roll fhjsssn Must have a Degree ta or Physical itactLisa Rltchk Swan Brewer Kentucky River Com-munHv Cere Inc nos immediate openings lor Interven-DO pro- munitv Immodlai miit'ti'MRDO program Must have Master's Degree In human fiaklps' ogy prate siflr Fjrnmimlty Resplta Coordinator Position gi UOf8 conslsts of ilhng Bachelor's counties Degree In ra- MRDD AdS and Child programs Prefer Masters ana lance require "flaUr Hnan one Trainer In AR program Po-consists of pro-1 services Inside tomes of dients within the program Miwt have a BVBS degree in Hums vices or related i proarum Muif navt poawlpr In ricfLrsa Rltchte or tn Browora 200 tttTtisuri roar ladder stata of tha art educational pro-Brammlna Apply In PK 3600 Appian Way EGmI tutipa axperU professional managamai MDGASe-LDAW First has an Immediate opening for a mortgage loan servicing manager with a bachelors degree in ac-countlngfinance or equivaleht work expe- 1 One year of su- experl years exu once In mortgage loan servicing Involving investor reporting (FHLMC FNMA etc! required Apply In person to National I EqualSpportunlty Employer C0UNSIL0RV0C REHAB Prestigious private iny seeks mott- CounsetorMao-to open Kentucky roorussivurv jte experience Mr --umMto RuhabCpu wi zMmngBBF Si etwees mnmroR Equal Opportunity Employer I 1 1 hnfluw''! a 1 1-4 IM) l)tlAUr la etN WlMl HtfHlM iv BN aw Mm HI BOMNINIMUyta Iwiw -iw a IMI minuiia iMnun MMM yil IMWIWR Ml NHVlt ilMM E-sr -ta ifh: I St MWI TrmU XR Ut hV liSTi((fOP VACANOT fINHM 4IMII tUMHHW ikie Audusl ii i EAMIIV BESOURCE AN0 YOUTH SERVICE CENTER COORDINATORS Quanta el km and arndt-t anan I equu anianls with tatmlkkiai kitar-malwn aie availaito um resell a tan hw HvWMm at tytwemai leivit eaalie ikMifv fvliltc talMkil lilt MAtn SI I e-kiu-tan kerdmSv MW tawphurto euel Cenerai bifermalieta II 0 month work llwHanw: tn000- i itofive Detai As toon MPoskdto ALtPtCATIONti OUAl (ducahom Mui hold a Btalwkw Itauree in taHuaruie er-I WwklNv -anwiy ibd- les Child baveiopment or Irtuteiinn leper itncet A minimum ut Ha 111 yaivs Successful PMwriarae in previdltat hcMnnn and-or educational service NOTE No Guarantee Is Given Oi Cnnfiikwd sarvke In Tito ttasHxm Should Adenunte FundHw No Lanuar Be Aveiinito Through Appropriate Sources Allirmative Action BESEABCH ASSISTANT Health Management Resource (HMRI rapidly grow me notional health cere company winch specialize In provirtino euf-pe-tlenf health program taclurtlng risk lector reduction and a medically supervised weight reduction program hMR otters comprehensive and a 401(k) HMR has an opening tar i Research Assistant at our program at tha University ot Kentucky Responsibilities Include entering end maintaining a data base designing now ta me in script tar publication ana infer acting with Re tlenf and staff now ledge of Svm- exist for essistiria medical A behevto-el research national program development ana advancement ta an expending health company Cptoge id resumeend cov-tottorlo: The HA-n UK Medk Medical Ptaza i Atm jicr HEALTH MANAGEMENT BESOUBCES SPECIAL EDUCATION DIBECT0R serve both Applicant's basad on rank jstrlcts salary perience Must niwj Swlm Profaulenal A Aerobics Instructor The YWCA pf Lex Is seafctag Instructors ta swtaimtaa Educe- posiSn or Raquiremi lege degree cot irional skills and ex- personal ski parlance In grant proposals grant ngnagen sSETj tetter of a pollution with resume to Stan WHsywa: Opportunity Emptoyur THERAPEUTIC REHABILITATION DIRECTOR MSW or MA Psychologist with experience working with chront- tomSSkTLvdS treatment program In TRAINING COORDINATOR INSTRUCTOR Pert ttma position for with dill or 0 develop and Implement a training program for child- ers will ana pro amino for workers WHEN YOU REPLY TO A H-L BOX please list the 2 cHglt number and letter and MaH Ids 100 Midland Ave Lexington Ky CLIENT AUTO DEALERS Looking for trainable salespeople experienced salespeople and managers (New and Used) for fresh start opportunity Pay plans to 35 on ALL Cars and to 50 on Special Units Top salesperson in August gets 2500 Bonus Call Tom Buford at 299-1231 for Confidential Interview or come to Bluegrass Chrysler at 1651 Broadway EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY IN CAR SALES FROM Don Jacobs ll'e Got A Career For With the opening of another used car lot at the Comer of New Circle Rd and Liberty Rd the Don Jacobs Organization has immediate openings for experienced motivated professional sales people Excellent benefits add to the opportunity to join one of Central finest companies looking for people who put service to the customer as their first priority Interviews conducted Mon-Wed Aug 1 2-1 4 1 0 am-5 pm Ask for Walter PHARMACEUTICA SALES1REPRESENTATIV KytoSST-1 120 eSeV' Environmental GEOLOGIST dnsstn Pharmaceutic It dy 'namJc growing division ol Johnson Johnson) An excellent opportuj 'nitylislavailabltklorSai Sales Representative who wilbebased oul ol Covmglon KY envlronmej Ihternatibnal'leotor We require a lake-charge Individual with ercellenl oral and written corm 'municalion skills Duties Including selling pharmaceuticals to phy si- retail pharmacies and drug wholesalcrsaOreMMMteR lai con- remediation pHshmants we're pancNng our Lexington officer and wa ara seeking the following: OCOLOOISTSt work under the non of senior geol fThls position requires al least 2 years successful oulside sales ei-j perience and a 4-year degree op equIvalentOvemlghMravelr qulred 1 In return lor your contribution and commllmenl we otler an attractive compensation plan with an eicep-( tlonal benelits packageLFor more Inlormallon tend resume In com plete confidence to nee required To explore these and other opportunities sand vour resume to WnFfetra: AN INSURANCE SALES PROFESSIONAL WANTED Throughout Kentucky Join a leading company with: Established renewals for income and leads Complete expense-paid training Merit promotions Guaranteed income to start Comprehensive benefit package To qualify you must have: Experience and be licensed as an Accident and Health Agent A competitive and aggressive track record Access to a reliable car Do you want something more NOW? For a confidential personal interview call Personnel Director at 1-800-551-0066 or 606-878-2376 Como Grow with Usl IOIMF 1264 New Circle Road NE Lexington Kentucky 40505 (606)254-5200 applicants only pfease An equal op-m portunlfyaflirmatlve action employer EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR A Johnson 4 Johnson Company Leadership Beyond Compliance An Equal Opportunity Employer The Manchester Cen-' tar an Inner-city social service agency and Z) iimiibvc SHi setting long range goals ust be a setf- Sell cars And make a little history on the side If you're looking for a sales position with a future Saturn of Lexington has a great opportunity waiting foryou We're looking for people who enjoy teamwork who can help solve problems and who can sell cars with the customer's needs in mind Because that's the way we do business at Saturn No experience necessary We guarantee that you'll get comprehensive training If this sounds like nothing you've ever done before don't be surprised At Saturn of Lexington new things are happening every day That's what making history is all about SATIRN Apply Monday-Friday At Quantrell Cadillac 1440 New Circle Rd SATURN OF LEXINGTON A Quantrell Dealership Some of our most successful Sales Representatives had never before! Some ol our moat accomplidyed representative arc cx-Uachers idminutrztori personnel people tinny of whom never thootfht ol them- tdvu in a sales carter Maybt it is the uniqueness at our that changed their minds If you zri an tucrtivE independent ambitious individual who can talk easily with businui owners you may be on your wsy to rewarding carter wHh Ihe US Chamber of Commerce si Membership Sales Representalivi for territories in CENTRAL KENTUCKY This mmrdinH and demanding position indudes tm nliti ftplolwa A (UM fadutiu Hli luitiffict health lieffineee ulliwwd yfaffii h4 eeceheffi Lmw First yeer tarxinHs tbeuld isxdc frsei S25JNM to S5O0M with criHnd bseed BUYER WELGO Lexington's leading discount retailer is taking applications for both full-time and part-time sales positions WELGO offers: A pleasant work enviroment In-store employee discounts Paid vacations Excellent earning potential Holiday pay Special clothing discounts Hospitalization Insurance STOP BY EITHER OF OUR TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS YOU BEUEVEITI WELGO 455 Southland Drive 3080 Richmand Road ft- v- Vi 1-' -fr Central Kentucky Servlcs organization seeks a dynamic kvtvidual for fut-tlme position as Buyer Re-ponsibiimes Include purchasing approved slock and non-slock supply squipmanl and services to assure timely cost-effactfve acquisition and flow Minimum quaHdcaHons Include an Assoicato's degroe In business or reiated Held and a minimum of live years In a purchasing or materials department wnh progressive responsibility or comparabtt experience In Hie tau of droree Comprehensive knowtodN of purchasing law procedures and techniques and rules of conduct required CP bonofldaL The successful cendktoto wW possesds a demonslreled desire for further achievement and professional growth ttvough formal education and or pratosslonal accredHatlon well-developed and effec-Hva Intoroarsonal tains todudno communicaHon and nagollalfsnraquirad QualHtod candktotos should forward Ihalr resume and salary requirements to: H-L Bex 25Y 100 Midland Av Lexington KY 4050S For consideration please CALL Mr Beb Schmidt District MauM (3O4)36a0M SUNDAY A4 11 Wtawa 7pm sad 10pm er MONDAY Aug 13 betweea 7a and lOem US Chamber of Commerce fhiUCMaBMfasNMMee (blsrfOpiriKNBipiwMF i -a Jk-BStor -to-ta.
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