The Herald-Journal from Logan, Utah (2024)

THE HERALD JOURNAL 7 Mink Creek V7 Irgan iuavi.e louiiUi Itah i ft ft Town In j-- 4 -r i. N4 IJJA WANTS AID Actress Joanne Dru thinks it's about time Europe began sending the aid in the form of "charming, handsome, virile men. The star says that if Hollywood men can have impoitcd why shouldn't its women1 She thinks they rate a change. Large Group Attends Olson Family Reunion By SIRS. EI.MA W.

KELLER end in Mink Creek at the home of Saturday isitors at the home 1 f'er mother, of Mr. and Mrs Jeff Hurst were Mrs- Brucia Crane and children Sir. and Mrs. John Davis and son returned Saturday from a two of River Heights, Mrs Selma we vacation to Cuibank, Mont-Bergquist and Mr. and Mrs Leeiana "here she visited her pai-Bateman and sons also from 1 ents.

Mr. and Mis. Edgar Gordon River Heights and Mr. and Mis and other relatives. The Cranes Arnold Olson and family of Big'have now Rne back to their Piney', Wyoming.

They were homestead at Paul, Idaho, among the large group who were Former Mink Creekers. Mr. in Mink Creek during the day to and Mrs. dfunt Hansen of Pres-attend the Olson famdv reunion enjojed gathern of their held on the Mink Creek ball park I family at their home last Satur-during the afternoon. day.

Family of Idaho Falls, Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Tony Jensen of mora Dursteller and her group Pans, Idaho visited Saturday 1 from Preston, Mrs. Mardene evening at the home of Mr and Sparrow and her husband and) Mis Frank Jensen rtive child! en of Mink Creek, Mrs Mr and Mrs Christen Hansen ra Hansen Neilson and John visited Sunday aflenion with Hansen of Preston Missing from Mr. and Roy Sorenson at lhe reunion was Sgt Homer their Preston home Neilson with the S.

Army in Newlyweds Saudi, Arabia. Tuesday visitois at the horn" Weekend Guest Mr M. Max Abbott and three children of Vernal, Utah. 'lsited Preston and vicimtv last Wednesday and Thursday They "ere guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Spencer Nelson and Mrs. Elaine smith Miss Jean Curtis of Salt Lake City visited last week with her old acquaintances, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Barger of Treasure-ton.

A grandson of the Bargers left Monday after a few davs visit for his home at Modesto, i i Mrs. A. L. Stocks has returned Calif They had come to attend' the Barger golden wedding open house held on Saturday. home after having spent two Preston Washington D.

C. guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Smith have been Mrs.

R. E. Chis-lom and children, Craig and Janet. They with Mrs Yal Smith and daughter, Debbie, of Logan, went to Wilder for a visit with a sister, Mrs. Frank Van Fleet and family.

Mrs. LeGrande Burton and son Jimmy, visited last week several days at Clearfield, Utah, with her parents. Mr, and Mrs. D. Milton Marble.

Cob James G. Monlhan of Santa Rosa. Calif enroute home from a trip into Montana visited briefly recently with Royce Fuh-nman and his family. Col. Moni time they have visited since they 1 han and Royce were prisoners of "ar in the Onent ter three and a hlf ears, so they had much to talk about.

This is the second Harts in Salt Lake City. rs. Sylvia Malmberg visited last week. at Jeiome, Idaho, She was tiie guest ol her hi other and 1 family. Mr and Mis Sam Han sen and sister Mrs.

Martena Jensen They visited at Boise with relatives and fi lends Mr. and Vlrs. Wayne aientine, newlyweds, who are spending the DOMING PIGEON -H must be apple turnover or a piece of upside-down cake which lured this New York City pigeon to the top of this friend- ly fellows head. The pigeon hlJ hcad over t0 taKe lha snack, from the fingers of the unidentified man. About By BELVA HART Seventeen 14-year-old boys and girls of Mrs.

Oia Davis Sunday School class journeyed to Salt Lake City last Thursday to view If SCHPliShmCDtS I nlTuV! thnr Per Jr. ciH The-: Chnrrh1 lng about Restored lu thh wery I tnH P0 ey havC( Studied. Highlights of the visit included a ten-minute visit with President David O. McKay and later a visit with President Reuben Clark, who arranged a tour of the church offices. They ate dinner at the Lion House, attended the tabernacle organ recital-with Dr.

Schreiner at the oigan. a trip to Welfare Square and This is the Place monument. Of course a tour of ZCMI had to be made to get some souvenirs. Enroute home they stopped at Lagoon and took in some of the fun events to round out the dav. Mrs.

Marjory Hart and Mrs Ida Britenbaker accompanied group and diove cas for transportation. Mr. and Vlrs'. Leo Boden and two daughters. Bonnie and Jill enjoyed an extended trip recentlv to Yellowstone Paik, Jackson Hole and northern Montana.

Spokane, Wash and northern Idaho scenic points of interest At Spokane they were guests of Mr. Bodens sister and brother-in-law Air. and Mrs Thomas Brunkcr and family. Mr. and Mrs.

Stanley Minn went to Nephi. Utah, last week and attended the Ute Stampede Mrs. Winn was interested in visiting relatives while Mi Winn enjoyed the lodeo and stampede Alr. and Mrs. Jerry Wheeler of South Gate, Calif ft have heen months visiting at Seattle, uih a daughter and son-in-law, Mr theie she greeted the Violas second child, another boy.

Her, daughter. Darla, accompanied Ia" r- and Mr Rovce luhii-her and visited for some time man before going to California to TS Terry Brown is enjovmg a and Mis. Rav Viola. While week furlough from his service with Ins father, John R. i Brown and sister and biothcr-in- lie will also visit another sister and family, lhe Wendell N.Y.

Fugitive Shot By Police NEW A ORK (IP George (The Eel) Larned, 32, who slipped through a Long Island dragnet a week ago, was shot and seriously wounded in a running gun bat- head San I IThuisday jin from juries early In the elbows the of Mr and Mrs Freeman Jensen weie newly-weds. Mi and Mrs Jud Hughes The bade is the mother of Mis. Jensen aud was formrly Mrs Lin Hanm of Mooie, Idaho The couple as egas, Nevada who has been a married iccentlv in Elko, Niv.ula '-m'l at the Keller home for past and left Mink (keek tgd ic-d." has ieturned to her home year-old widow lay paralyzed in 1 on their honev moon trip li el- -Mink Cieek senior girls hall iier bathtub for eight davs be- lowstone Park team defeated the Clifion team, Sunday visitois at the heme of 'Jsl Finlay. Tie Mutual officers1 hear her (lies for help over the Mr. and Mrs Swend Nndi-sim kris aie veiy happy to have hlaie of lhe television set were Mrs Pucilla Bowman of "io excellent sports duectors.

-('ause Ru'ghbors weie unable to Miss Susanne Keller of Salt Lake City was a weekend visitor at the home of her aunt and (unde, Mr. and Mi Claude Keller Connne Keller of Las spend the summer. Howard Hall was one of the speakers at the funeral of Henry Caling in Logan last week. Mr. (ailing was a member of the Second ward when Mr.

Hall was bishop of the ward Lewis Bowers and Glen Call represented the Preston carpenters oiganuation at the meeting at Boise the past week Mapleton and Mr Buike Godlrey and Claikston and Mr- family- of Mrs. La Von Baird accompam- Eranklin were Thursday evened her son Jerry, back to Mean. Arizona for a short visit. Jem spent a week in Mink Creek at the home of his mother Miss Lois Rasmussen of Salt ing isitors at the home of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs.

Nathaniel Keller. They came bearing gifts and con giatulations for Mrs Keller's summer at Ashton, Idaho, visit- her house through windowed the weekend with his p.uents. Officers found Mis Schardt l.v- Mr- and Mrs. Max Smart and three clnldien of Salt Lake City were emoute home from A ellow-stone Park and virited several das Preston recently with They aie Mis Dixie Rasmussen Mrs Neva Ann Jepsen. Mr and Mrs.

Wilford AV addoups birthdaj at the homes Sunday arnvals of Mr. and Mrs. Leerall Jensen and Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Jensen were Mr.

and Mrs. Lorin Black of Farmington, N. M. and Mr. and Mrs.

Zenos Black of Monticello, Utah Mrs. Lorin Black was the former lone Jen- sen antl Mrs Zenos Black was formerly Miss Ellen Jensen, both former Mink Creekers. After an overnight stay they continued on the journey to A ellow-stone Park. Far-Sighted Thief GRAND RAPIDS, Mih. OP) A thief In Grand Rapids knows winter is due eventually.

A service station operator reported someone stole a snowplow used to clear the stations driveways during the winter months. Mr. and Mis II alentine Bob Smith's by Milford Hale and A'enna and Lake City ls spending two week vacation at the home of her parents. De.Mar Rasmussen of 1 ton also a weekend visitor Orlando Rasmussen at the home Mrs J. Lloyd Mr.

and Mrs of Pocatello and Ross RaSmussen of Seamons spent week in Pocatello with her son and Mr. and Mrs. Seamons. Dockstader and last Tuesday in Mrs. DuMont who had just returned hospital following Christensea of Salt Lake City spent the week- visiting for ten days with his par- i ents, Dr.

and Mis Milo A Wheel- Mrs- C- FarI Goaslmd and Mr. er AVhile heie they took three Mrs Bowers and other ciajs and went to Yellowstone elativ es and friends. Park His mother accompanied them to the paik repot Pugene Anderson that his daughter, Diane, is mak cn oldest riti7en, Joseph Clark, who 69, in the was 103 years old. He was an; 'Vard haIel Ernen B. 1 pappr bovV'w ould" be at the iloor, Preston uncle of Mrs.

Anderson. The fu-jSller- counselor in the bishopric, che calpd wlth her Mrs. Delbert CpJjCUrl' might But they heard only tha Prayer at the mortuary was set. by John Lamborn with the invocation offered by Frank Cowiy and J. L.

Brovv-n gave the benediction. Prelude and post-lude music was by Norma Wilson and the Relief Society Singing Mothers presented two numbers Other musical numbers weie ing a very successful police woman in the city of Los Angeles1 An Men and Gleaner Fire-, neral "as at Brigham City-side was held Sunday evening at i 1he home of Mr. and Mrs. Don I Mrs. Ross Hansen and Tack, with Mrs.

Zelma Yearsley i on Kevin, and a Bttle friend, in charge. Cordell Daniels of Bowers, enjoyed a visit gan entertained with pictures, I ba 1 Lake City last Wednes-slides and exhibits of South America where he recently served as a missionary. Sixteen class members enjoyed the function and light refreshments. Mrs. Smarts parents, Mr.

and day. Mr. and Mri. Lewis Bowers, Mr. and Mrs.

Max Smart and Mrs. Marvel Dursteler visited Service Is Heid left ay was at the home Recent vi-qteis of Mr and (imstensen were Cleve Chatterton their nephew, three days last visiting daughter-in-law, Delbert J. Mrs. Grant family visited Tremonton with Dockstader, from the an operation Miss Rhoda tie with police today as he fled a New York restaurant holdup Im gonna die, Im gonna die, he moaned as lie lay in the emergency ward of Knicker bock-er Hospital where he was taken after his capture. Larned called repeatedly for i n' per want ber.

I want 1 her to come to see me before I Lamed cried. I love her his wife, who Is being held as a Doctors said the elusive gunman was in critical condition with bullet wounds in his back and hand. He also had a two-week old bullet wound in his thigh from a 60-shot gun battle with Nassau County police July 11 when he escaped during a Baldwin, Long Island, robbery- attempt. The tattooed desperado had eluded a 200-man po'se which had combed the woods around Babylon, Long Island, for a week after his escape. Police said Larned robbed Steves Restaurant at 103rd St.

and Broadway, shortly before 5 a.m. today. Today 1 and 7:30 p. m. DOORS OPFN VO ml 7 on 1 OVERT I KtS TODAY 1J 40 7.1 Box Office Open at Noon-Two performance Dailvweekdaji I 00 PM and 7 36 PM.

Sat 2PM and 8PM 30 PM. and 7 P.M Adults Matinee Week dav 90c Saturdav Sunday Matinees A All evenings Main Floor Ix)ge 50. Rate. $125 Children: Mats. 75c.

(Fve Sat. A Sun Mat. 90c) Prices incl. all taxes I last Sunday in Logan with Mr. and Mrs.

Wilford Smart. Clerk Insists He Is Not The sad*st In California Case SAN FRANCISCO A slim and dapper office clerk insisted today he was not the buck-toothed sad*st wao kidnaped, tortured and raped a pretty nurse in Golden Gate Park last weekend. The cleik, John A. H.xinger, 23, faced further questioning from 'police despite his piotestations ol innocent e. I didn't do it, he said.

was home. I dont know how 1 'can prove it. I hope someone can help me Rexinger was arrested Wed-jresdav night in a city wide dragnet of known sex offenders, Polie said Rexineer has a record ng back to 1952, including a rapp conviction. He is now cn I parole after seiving two years in 'aim for fuigery. Revmger was taken twice to the hospital room which the nui'p is recovering burns, hruiscs and other in-, infheted in the assault Sunday.

a dramatic confrontation, nurse raised hrtself on her lhe better to scrutinize suspect. Her almost bald her attacker had cut most of her hair off was covered by a scarf Her fingers shaking a little, the nurse studied Rexmaer carefully At length she said: Thats him Mo't sever recorded earth- quake occurred at Lisbon, Portu- gal, in November of 1755. lv tr. CHARUDN HESTON ANNE BAXTER GILBERT ROLAND TOM WON KCHwn or ft iCT.yad PLUS CARTOON THE PICTURE THATS ASTOUNDING THE WORLD! WARNER BROS. coio "TECHNICOLOR sums, rweumi dukctd IRWIN ALIEN WINDSOR moociuB PLUS SECOND FEATURE A US VtBUAl IMUtXAXVAl PlCTURt IS10H Mary Gaddie.

Speakers were Mr Siler, Jay L. Haddock, and Bishop Wilford Kowallls. William Kendrick dedicated the grave in the Logan City ceme- honor of her 84th birthday. They tery and John Lainborn, Chris rought a delicious dinner after M. Christensen, Blaine Hancey, to police headquarters after act-vvhich mey enjoyed music and Dale Peterson, Don Smith and ing as technical advisors for lo- Rodny Anderson acted as pall i cation shots In San Francisco for bearers.

CBS-TVs Lineup when they I saw a man trying to climb over Woodrow AVilson issued the a fence. Thev stopped him, and Friend and neighbors of Mrs. Mary Carlson gave her a lawn party last Friday afternoon in tributes written for her. About fifteen enjoyed the afternoon visiting. HOLLYWOOD IP Accident investigation officers Robert Par-dini and Robert Spottsvvood be-lieve that a policemans work is never done.

They were returning 'lhe widow Alls Betty Schaidt, was rescued Thursday night when neighbors noticed the pile of I newspapers in trout of her door. They called police who entered mg in the bathtub, muttering, Thank God please give a drink of vvatei Her Chihuahua dog Keenie gave! a feeble yelp He had no bark 'Lineup Suspect Drive Inn Logan, Utah Day proclamation i he admitted he had just committed a grocery store holdup. Mr-d Mr- J- D- Tarnea and first" Mothers two children of Orem, Utah, are in i9is spending the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George I Peterson and Mr.

and Mrs. Deward Gambles. Visiting for two weeks at -the home of her mother, Mrs. William A. Beckstead and Mr.

Beck-atead are Mrs. Neta Peaco*ck and son, Jimmy, -of Pleasant Hill, Calif. A son and his wife, Mr. and Kirs. Ray Bosen of Salt Lake City also visited at the home over the week end.

Frank Condie arrived last Saturday from Hawaii to join his wife and small son who have been visiting here the past six weeks before returning to their home. They are guests at the homes of their parents, Mrs. Wa-vel Westerberg and Mr. and Mrs-A. G.

Condie. Mr. and Mr. Earl Sutherland Washington, D. and Miss Allene Sutherland of Wenatchee, called on friends and relatives in Preston Friday of last week.

Grant Packer and son, Osslan, of St. Anthony, and Annie Parker of Logan were visitors of Mrs S. P. Packer last Sunday, Mrs. linden Csstle and baby daughter, Marty, of Vancouver, criTechnlco*kr A- SeKkted Short Subjects Features: This Engagement Only Children 25c THAT FAMOUS PRESTON NIGHT Mr.

and Mr. Stanley Winn and Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Bell recently returned from a two weeks trip to Phoenix, Arir, and other places of interest. In Phoenix they were guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Arlow Howell. Enroute they visited Grand Canyon and Bryce Canyon. Guest of Mr. Veroka Nash the past Week wera her son, Ross Nash, and Mr.


Aug. 1, 2, 3 RODEO STARTS AT 8 P.l Chambers 107? North Main TICKET INFORMATION Thursday Night August 1st Is Family Night Children 25c Adults General Adm. 1-50 Adults Reserved L75 Friday Saturday, August 2nd 3rd Children 50c Adults General Adm. 1-30 Adults Reserved a NOTE: CHILDRENS TICKETS ADMIT CHILDREN TO GEN. ADM.

SECTION ONLY. Enjoy the i-Bourbon you can stay with UP Phone before noon for your money later the eame dayl You aelectyour own repayment plan OTHER AMOUNTS lit PROPORTION 4 TOP SPECIALTY Monte Young's Rides and ACTS Shows Box Office Opens at 7:30 p.m. Show Starts at Dark Adults 65c Children 10c CHILDREN 25e THURSDAY NIGHT ONLY Earl Hutchison, Rodeo Producer Jack Oakey, Announcer FAMILY NIGHT THURSDAY. AUG. 1 Tickets On Sa! at Rodeo Headquarters In First Security Bank Building NATIONAL! FINANCE COMPANY of Logan 21 Faderal Avenue TtUphone: 3040 I OTHER NATIONU OfFICt MAONA MURRAY OGDEN PROVO SAIT IkKI CITY TOOELE Parade Each Night at 5:30 KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 86 PROOF GLENMORE DISTILLERIES CO, LOUISVILLE.

KY. Code Jumbers 4 5 V- I-5 Bint 124.

The Herald-Journal from Logan, Utah (2024)
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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

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Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.